Oh my home, Oh my sweet home
You were beautiful
Adorned with flowers
Home of honey and milk
But fate intervened
You were taken away - away from me
War did it all
Oh, how tragic
Misery and sorrow all over
Violation of human rights
Fleeing empty handed
Like a sheep without shepherd
Through frustrations, here I am
JRS and UN and Malawi Government
Gave it to me
Bright and promising
Decorated with new flowers
Better schools I have
Encouraging grades at school
More prosperous than before
It takes courage to be a refugee
I will make it!
My home was taken
But not my future
1 project of the Berlin Pankow School for Peace-day with fotos and video-clip (balloonns for peace)
2 one pic taken with students in morroco
3 pics from the Wilhelm-von-Humboldt-
4 kids from 3 continents, from Morocco (Africa), from Kazakhstan (Asia) and Germany (Europe) meet in a viedeo conference and talk about peace on earth and what we can do for it.