GCPEJ: Global Campaing for Peace Education Japan
contact: hapgcpej@gmail.com
related info in English is : https://www.facebook.com/PGLjapan
The Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE)
was launched at the Hague Appeal for Peace conference in May 1999. On May 1999, nearly 10,000 people / 700 organizations from over 100 countries gathered in the Hague, Netherlands and
the Hauge Appeal for Peace was held. The GCPE has since emerged as a non-formal, international organized network that promotes peace education among schools, families and communities to
transform the culture of violence into a culture of peace.
GCPEJ is the peace education community afflicated the Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE*) in Japan.
GCPEJ holds various meetings and gatherings nationwide to promote peace education inspiring with interantional trends.
GCPEJ also hosted International Institute on Peace Education ( IIPE* ) in 2012.
Chair : Kathy MATSUI
Secretary : Kazuya ASAKAWA, Chieko BABA
contact: hapgcpej@gmail.com
Local contacts
Nagoya : Kazuya ASAKAWA kasan [at] mac.com
Cyugoku Shikoku :
Hiromi KAKUZAKI(Hiroshima)
Atsuko AKAMATSU(Yamagchi) peacemessagestakamori[at]yahoo.co.jp )
*Hague Appeal for Peace
*GCPE in Japan.
You can find peacebuilding organizations around the world on these websites.
The website of verbal-aikido is also an interesitng website about conflict resolution in everyday lives.